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BGP protocol security based on IPv6
Author: Konstantine ShalamberidzeCo-authors: Konstantine Shalamberidze
Keywords: BGP, Security, Protocol, Routing, Network
On this work we discussed security threats in bgp ipv6 routing protocol, because bgp is the only protocol, that used in global routing. You may ask, so why we choose ipv6 instead of ipv4, the answer is simple, nowadays internet devices, that need ip addresses are growing and the resources of ipv4 adresses are quickly reduced, so sooner or later we will need to change version 4 internet protocol with newer ipv6 and these may lead us to more problems in global internet and we need to be ready for tomorrow and make the basic solution to reduce problems with this innovation. I hope that this work will be helpful to prevent main security threats in bgp ipv6 routing protocol.
Lecture files:
BGP პროტოკოლის უსაფრთხოება IPv6-ის ბაზაზე [ka]