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Describing a process of development server-side and database architecture for Georgian WordNet web application
Author: Rudolf EremyanAnnotation:
WordNet is a large lexical database of English. WordNet applied in different kind of applications: Sentiment Analysis, Machine Translation, Question Answering Systems. Our main goal was development of WordNet for Georgian language, which will be helpful for creating an AI-based tools and applications with processing texts on Georgian language. In this paper, we described the process of development back-end part of application and database architecture. In the results section, we are showing visualized WordNet for Georgian words, generated by our application.
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ქართული ელექტრონული სიტყვათა ქსელის სერვერული ნაწილის და მონაცემთა ბაზის შექმნის პროცესის აღწერა [ka]