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Ordinary Differential Equations in Practice and their Numerical Solution
Author: Ekaterine ChitishviliCo-authors: Chitishvili Ekaterine Injgia Nika Mamaiashvili George Manjavidze Ushangi Nikuradze Veriko Tskabelia Daviti Khukhia Ketevan Jibladze George Gogaladze George
Keywords: Numerical analysis, ordinary differential equations, difference schemes
The project is dealing to the ordinary differential equations with corresponding initial and boundary conditions obtained in mathematical modeling of problems originating in practice. The methods of their numerical solution are discussed. In particular, Euler implicit, explicit and symmetric schemes are used. For approximate solution of boundary problems for the second order ordinary differential equation the method of factorization is used for solving of obtained system of linear algebraic equations. Software packages are created using the modern object oriented programming languages. Various numerical experiments are carried out and corresponding graphical illustrations are given.