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Detection and visualization of nonhomogeneity in the environment using electromagnetic radiation
Author: baqari baratashviliKeywords: - tunnel, resonances, MAS
thesis deals with detection and visualization of existing object, in particular the tunnel in the ground using computer simulation. It is an actual topic for the military who want to destroy the underground tunnels and bunkers of the enemy, or to find tunnels in border protection. My goal was to create a computer program that would help me to model, animate, and analyze such tasks. Finally, I discussed the tunnels in different sizes, depths and different soil conditions. I have created their frequency characteristics, which are unique for each and based on the comparison with the frequency characteristics of the new searchable tunnel, it is possible to determine whether we have or not a tunnel and if we have what size it is.
Lecture files:
სამაგისტრო ნაშრომი [ka]