
Characterization of toxigenic E. coli O104 strains from Georgia by Pulsed-field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE)
Author: Gvantsa BrachveliKeywords: E. coli, Pulse-field Gel Electrophoresis, PFGE, STEC
Detection and molecular characterization of shiga toxin producing E.coli (STEC) has a high importance for timely diagnosis and treatment of the disease, as E.coli is the main cause of gastrointestinal disease in humans. The most problematic complication is Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS). On the other hand, E.coli is recognized to contain highly virulent strains for human, like O26, O45, O103, O111, O145, O145, O157, O104 and etc. The Algorithm for laboratory diagnosis of Shiga toxin producing E.coli ( STEC) is introduced in Richard G. Lugar Center for Public Health Research. There is developed Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) for genetic comparison and molecular typing of Shiga toxin producing E.coli. The object of our research was five STEC O104 strains. According to our previous experiments, genomes of samples were compared to each other. In the same way, we compared these samples to the 2 historical reference genomes of O104 E.coli, isolated from epidemiological outbreak in 2009 (2009EL-2050, 2009EL-2071). The analysis of obtained data reveals four PFGE profiles out of the five samples. By these results we can see the high diversity of shiga toxin E.coli, spread in Georgia.
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საქართველოში გავრცელებული შიგა ტოქსინის მაპროდუცირებელი Escherichia coli-ის O104 შტმების დახასიათება პულსირებად ველში გელ-ელექტროფორეზის მეთოდით [ka]