
Studying the Contamination with Heavy Metals and the Toxicity Level of Arable Lands in the Industrial Region of Georgia Bolnisi-Kazreti using Test Methods
Author: Nino BitchiashviliKeywords: Soils, Heavy metals, Toxicity level
Together with the negative manmade impact and rapid growth of mining and processing industry the problem of environmental pollution with heavy metals becomes more and more urgent because essential land areas are represented by low-yield and less fertile soils.The subject of our research is the industrial area of Kvemo Kartli (Bolnisi-Kazreti) region, where, for the purpose of studying the impact on the environment of the available there deposits (“Madneuli” and “RMG Gold”) arable land have been analyzed for their content of the general organic matter, humus, soluble or movable forms of heavy metals, valence, toxicity level and its spread. The principal scientific and practical goal of our research is to study the toxicity level of contamination of arable lands with heavy metals by using modern test methods, to establish the soil reclamation and crop capacity.The modern EPA test methods have been used in the research, which represent a novelty and are unexampled for Georgia.To achieve one of the major goals of the subject, implying comprehensive analysis and results of the test subjects, the quantitative difference of the soluble, movable forms of heavy metals was determined by using the irrigation system of the River Mashavera before and after irrigation of arable land.To improve the research, the modern equipment, such as atomic absorption, spectral, infrared, ultra-red mass spectrometers, was applied. For the purpose of soil productivity raising and improvement within the area under study, which preconditions the growth of agricultural production, the use of a simple, innovative technology – the organic bio-stimulant fertilizer K3 was used. The fertilizer creates in soil such distribution, reserve and stimulation for microorganisms, which in turn regulate the redox processes, pH, etc. The organic fertilizer ensures not only the soil nutrient regime but also the activity of the soil biota. Within the framework of the masterwork, the goal of our research was to study the state of arable lands of the Bolnisi Municipality villages - Ratevani and Karatikani, as well as to compare the pollution degree of Poladauri and Mashavera valley soils.