
The geomorphogenesis of the northern slope of the Trialeti Range and the nature of transformation
Author: Tamari ZumbadzeCo-authors: Tamari Zumbadze
Keywords: TrialeTi Range, terrain, geomorfologins, anthropogenic transformation
The northern slope of the Trialeti Range is characterized by unique natural conditions, geological structures, landscapes, historical and cultural monuments, one of the strategically important locations, but in recent period agricultural engineering activities (building of roads, digesting of the territory under high risk, construction of High Transmission Towers and hydro powers, construction of gas pipelines, anthropogenic transformation of relief) and natural conditions triggered activation of dangerous geodynamic processes (debrisflows, rock avalanches, erosion, exhaustion, washing out of the river banks), which are terrain geomorfologins, accompanied with economic losses, damages to property and in some cases human deaths. Numerous geodynamic processes are developed in the study area. In this regard, the region is one of the classic example of identification of modern hazardous processes, where the ecological tensity has reached especially dangerous category. Almost all kinds of geological processes developed nearly whole territory of the region. The main reason for this are intensive agricultural engineering activities. The area is characterized mainly by structural, erosive and denudative forms (altered surface altitudes). Various geodynamic processes and morphogeneous terrain forms are developed in the study area. Relief experiences permanent change as endogenous (motion of the earth, earth crust, volcano, and earthquake) as well as exogenous processes (excluding river, lake, etc.). The main contributing factor in the spread of geodynamic processes is human intensive, engineering and economic activity, which is accompanied by favorable natural conditions for development of mudflows, landslides, erosive and drying processes. The northern slope of the Trialeti Range is one of the richest regions of nature. The unique monuments of nature are also the lakes of the above territory. Among them are: Bazaleti, Bateti, Nadarbazvi and others. They have significant recreational potential. Hence the study of the relief processes of the region and their transformation, assessment is important. The main task of the present work is to evaluate the geomorphogenesis and transformation of the northern slope of the Trialeti Range.
Lecture files:
The geomorphogenesis of the northern slope of the Trialeti Range and the nature of transformation [en]თრიალეთის ქედის ჩრდილოეთ ფერდობის რელიეფის გეომორფოგენეზისი და ტრანსფორმაციის ხასიათი [ka]