
Education Services Electronic Portal (ElStudy)
Author: Natia BekauriCo-authors: Gorgodze Goga, Kobaidze Giorgi, Asatiani Mariam, Bichoshvili Tamar, Kachiuri Tornike
Keywords: software, engineering, layer, principles, security, architecture, MVC, C#, ASP.NET, dotNet, Microsoft, Pattern, solid, programming
Users of the portal are administrators, teachers and students. The teacher by using the timetable (according to the type of days, hours, activity type and desired audience) sets the curriculum schedule of the course. The schedule of the subject is based on the administrator's confirmation. The teacher sets up a semester time schedule and gradually enriches it with the training material - relevant documents, exercises, control questions / tasks. There are a list of ratings on the web page where represents only students with higher marks, which encouraged them and gives a far more enthusiasm to young people. The teacher can also upload open news for every students, who are involved in the subject and answer the questions on the subject profile (questions can only be written on the subject). Student can apply to any subject and receive access to subject timetable, news and questions. He can also can ask questions about the specific subject and answer the questions of the others students. All courses, which passed the student, would be written on his / her account. The web page shows the information about the skills of users and he’s score of specific course. In this case, it would be much easier for the employer to select potential employees. Accordingly, the student will also indicate own skills and experience in his report. The portal is easy to use for any user with different knowledge and experience. Also, each user's rights are strictly defined by the site administrator. The system is built by the using of modern architectural pattern MVC in ASP.NET MVC framework on the Microsoft .NET Framework platform. This software contains full independent domain, data management and business logic layers. In the making process we take on to our consideration all protecting services and on OOP principles. We used best methods of code organizing (design) patterns, which give us the opportunity to improve the efficiency of the our software solution and use of the advanced level programming principles, such as S.O.L.I.D, as well as the universal programming principles of KISS- Keep it short and simple and D.R.Y. The program is also compatible with the Unit Testing. The software responds to all existing standards and requirements, there is no need for the client to install the additional software on its own device. Accordingly, client can easily and securely use the software on web-based profile.