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The reliability and development of software assurance

Author: Erekle Dekanoidze
Keywords: DDD, The reliability and development of software assurance

This master's thesis discusses the basic aspects of software assurance. The reliability and development of software assurance is dependent on many factors. A small portion of these factors is represented in this work. My goal is to globally discuss these issues clearly state the importance of each aspect starting with client communication up until the final stage of implementation. However, most of the focus will be made on implementation, where the programmer or a group of programmers are involved in the development of the architecture. At this stage the outcome of the effort is grounded on the skills of the programmer, therefore an analysis and insight of the programmers work is outlined in this document. Out of all the reviewed technologies, the NoSQL database is considered the most proficient, due to its simplicity and performance, if we take into consideration recommendations, such as CAP Theorem, which perfectly meets our objective. Software assurance sustainability and development depends on the software architecture, which should be open to adjustments and changes. It is important to use best practices for this reason since they help us and provide recommendations. I discussed DDD (domain drive design) best practices which provides specific examples and solutions for client relationships as well as the introduction of new software. In this case it was not my aim to discuss this topic in depth. I only explored a small part of it, in order to demonstrate its advantage. Consequently, all of this helps to create reliable software assurance.

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