
Anthropogenic transformation of the Aragvi river basin relief
Author: Ioseb AlbutashviliKeywords: Aragvi, river, anthropogenic, transformation
The study region is notable for its unique natural conditions, strategic location, engineering-agricultural objects which are located within this region (transcaucasian motorway, main gas pipeline, mountain tourism, farming, hidro power plants). This is the very important support for country‘s economy. Intensive engineering-agricultural activities (building of roads, digesting of the territory under high risk, construction of the high transmission towers and hydro power plants, construction of gas pipelines, anthropogenic transformation of relief) and natural conditions triggered activation of dangerous geodynamic processes (debrisflows, glacial mudflows, rock avalanches, snow avalanches, erosion, exhaustion, washing out of the river banks), which are accompanied with economic losses, damages to property and in some cases human deaths. The study of the existing materials about the region and comparison of present condition demonstrated, that natural processes are activated. Therefore, it is very important that the anthropogenic transformation in the basin of Aragvi riverbe studied and evaluated, especially in a situation when such kind of research is not done in this region. The main task of this work is to study anthropogenic transformation ofbasin relief of the Aragvi river.
Lecture files:
მდინარე არაგვის რელიეფის ანთროპოგენური ტრანსფორმაცია [ka]Anthropogenic transformation of the Aragvi river basin relief [en]