
Lagodekhi municipality sustainable ecological development and landscape planing problems
Author: ketevan narusashviliKeywords: Landscape Planning, Social Survey, Sustainable Development.
SUMMARY Development of the sustainable ecological development principles on the basis of landscape planning and ecological awareness of population for Lagodekhi municipality is the main goal of the research. Solution of the next tasks are related to the research goal: ✓ study of natural and social-economical features of the municipality; ✓ development of the landscape planning for Lagodekhi municipality; ✓ study the attitude of the local community to the ecological problems; ✓ results of the landscape planning and recommendations will be approbate with local community and authorities; Methodology of the landscape planning will be used during the research with final aim to develop recommendations according which zoning of the study area will be done for conservation, development and improvement. Research methodology involves the study of opinion of local people. For this reason special social questionnaires will be used. Questionnaires will be divided into 5 parts: 1. natural recourses; 2. socio-economic issues; 3. economy-agriculture; 4. environment protection 5. recreation. According to the main subject of the project environment protection and ecological situation will be highlighted. Questionnaires will be 5 points system and appropriate for different ages of the respondents. Collected data will be analyzed with use of GIS techniques. After the research: 1. Landscape plan of Lagodekhi Municipality will be created; 2. Natural and anthropogenic conflicts will be detected; 3. Ecological awareness of the local community will be assessed; 4. Data base of the outcomes will be created;