
Electron impact ionization and fragmentation processes of Ar atoms and N2, O2, H20, CH4 and C60 molecules.
Author: giorgi takadzeCo-authors: R Lomsadze * , M Gochitashvili
Keywords: molecul, cross-section, electron, atom
In this work we preset the dependence of ion formation cross section versus the electron energy realized during direct and dissociative ionization processes in collision of an electron with Ar atoms and N2,O2,H2O, CH4 and C60 molecules. A chromate-mass-spectrometry device is applied to carried out experimental measurements. The results are presented for an electron energy stating from a threshold to 120 eV. The range of mass-spectra varies from 2-1000 a.m.u., with the resolution of 2500. The results of our measurements for the N2, O2 and CH4 molecules are in good agreement with the previously obtained data. The systematic measurements for partial and total cross sections , with respect to establishing a mechanism realized during chemical reactions and in collisions of an electron with atoms, simply and complex molecules are under consideration. A high resolution quadruple chromate- mass-spectrometric device have been used to perform an experimental measurements and to investigate collision processes for the first time. Moreover, achievement in measurements is reached for the complex molecules. Usually, research of fullerenes is performed in the complicated experimental conditions, including an accelerator. We show, that the exploration of fragmentation processes is available by electron impact using mass-spectrometric set-up. Typical example of mass-spectrum obtained by electron impact for the methane CH4 molecules is shown in figure. Identification for this and other objects is presented on the thesis.