
„Reaction Condensation of Ethyl Ether p-aminobenzoic acides with Diacetonmannose ‘
Author: tamar gelovaniAnnotation:
A n n o t a t I o n Tamar Gelovani „Reaction Condensation of Ethyl Ether p-aminobenzoic acides with Diacetonmannose ‘ Department of Chemistry, Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Ilia Chavchavadze Ave. 3 In the series of carbohydrate derivatives, a significant number of substances have been found that are used in medicine as medicines for various purposes. Chemical modification of known drugs based on carbohydrates is one of the promising directions in the search for new biologically active substances. Modified derivatives of saccharides are now widely used in medicine, for example, as effective antiviral and anticancer drugs. The goal of present investigation consist in synthesis of N-glycosides containing nitrosogroup. The reaction condensation of Diacetonmannose (1) with Ethyl Ether p-aminobenzoic acides we obtained -N-β-(p-aminobenzoicacid ethyl estheryl)-2,3;5,6-mannofuranosylamines (2). By inte raction of obtained N-mannosylamines with sodium nitrite corresponding nitroso derivatives N-β-N-nitroso-(ethylesteryl p-aminobenzoicacides)-2,3;5,6–di –O–izopropilidene–D–mannofuranozyl-amines (3) have been received The structures of obtained compounds were established by physical-chemical methods of analysis.
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“პ–ამინობენზოისმჟავას ეთილის ეთერის კონდენსაციის რეაქცია დიაცეტონმანოზასთან” [ka]