
Enantioseparation of enantiomers of chiral sulfoxides on totally porous silica coated with polysaccharide-based chiral selectors in ultrafast-high performance liquid chromatography.
Author: Salome PantsulaiaCo-authors: Nana Khundadze Rusudan Kakava
Keywords: sulfoxides, high performance liquid chromatography, superfast separatons.
Enantioseparation of chiral sulfoxides on totally porous silica coated with polysaccharide-based chiral selectors in ultrafast-high performance liquid chromatography. The major goal of our study was to separate enantiomers of chiral sulfoxides on totally porous silica particles coated with polysaccharide-based chiral selectors. Nowadays chiral sulfoxides attract a great attention of chemists since these materials are widely used as pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, ligands for catalysts, as synthetic intermediates, etc. The main goal of our experiment was to separate enantiomers of novel chiral sulfoxides with the shortest possible analysis time and high efficiency. We used some new chiral columns and achieved baseline separation of novel sulfoxide enantiomers with the analysis time below 1 minute.
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