
Enantioseperation of enantiomers of chiral sulfoxides on superficially porous particles coated with polysaccharide-based chiral selectors in high performance liquid chromatography.
Author: nana khundadzeCo-authors: Salome Pantsulaia ,Rusudan Kakava
Keywords: chiral sulfoxides, high performance liquid chromatography, enantiomeric seperations in a few minutes.
Summary The rational behind the concept of shell particles was to improve column efficiency by shortening the pathways that analyte molecules must travel and so doing, to improve their mass transfer kinetics. Chromatographic chiral adsorbents coated on superficially porous particles, also called core-shell are rapidly developing material for chiral and achiral separations in high performance liquid chromatography. The result of our study indicate that enantiomeric separations in few seconds are now feasible. In of our experiment the flow rate of mobile phase was very high and we need to observe efficiency of chiral columns. At high mobile phase flow rates superficially porous particles are advantageous for ultrafast separation. The morphology of core-shell particles gives us an opportunity to solve this problem.
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