
Enantioseparation of novel basic chiral agrochemicals with polisaccharide-based chiral stationary phases in high-performance liquid chromatography
Author: elene sordiaKeywords: Herbicide, mobile phase
Herbicide also commonly known as weedkillers, are chemical substances used to control unwanted plants. Most of the herbicides are organic compounds with high physiological activity. Herbicides are used for defoliation or for complete killing of unwanted herbs/plants. The enantiomers of chiral herbicides are characterized with different herbicidal activity, as well as with different distribution in environment and transformation in soil and aquatic systems, different action on untargeted objects, etc. The above mentioned different in the activity of enantiomers of chiral herbicides makes separation of their enantiomers necessary. In the present project we studied a separation of enantiomers of some new chiral herbicides such as Imazaquin, Imazapyr, Imazamox, Imazapic, Imazamethabenz-methyl, Imazalil, Imazalil sulfate, Imazethpyr, by using polysaccharide-based chiral columns and different mobile phases, such as polar-organic solvents (methanol and acetonitrile), hydrocarbon-alcohol and aqueous-organic mobile phases in high-performance liquid chromatography. The results of our study can be used for enantioselective monitoring of a fate of chiral herbicides in the environment.
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