
Aplication of the Genetic Algotitms in cruptoanalysis
Author: giorgi gelashviliAnnotation:
In this paper discussed one of the classical methods of encryption, particularly cryptanalysis of Vigenere cipher using Genetic Algorithms. After improving of computer technologies Cryptography plays greater role in our life than earlier, because there is a necessity to exist more encrypted information and this definitely needs to check usefulness of encryption algorithms (Cryptanalysis). Here discussed general and separate methods of encryption also described Vegenere cipher method and the famous ways of it’s cracking and cryptanalysis. Our software can encrypt Georgian texts using Vigenere algorithm and also cryptanalyze it if this text is encrypted with the same method. We use Test of Kasiski for finding length of keyword and modified Genetic Algorithms for calculating keyword itself, it is comparatively new method in this field. To show productivity of GA-s in a cryptanalysis is the main goal of this paper.
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გიორგი გელაშვილი - გენეტიკური ალგორითმების გამოყენება კრიპტოანალიზში [ka]