
Hydrogen production by algae and bacteria
Author: Tamta AroniaCo-authors: nino turqadze
Keywords: Virusis, micro-world, physical methods, Hydrogen
Hydrogen as a fuel, other energy compared to a lot of advantages. Meant his high energy content, its lack of environmental problems and the use of other physical and chemical properties. Its well-known methods for the production of great interest to biotsqalbadis production (ie the adoption of biological organazmebi). Especially promising hydrogen-green algae and photosynthetic reactions from tsianobakteriebi. At this time we have a cheap source of energy and the production process is environmentally friendly. During photosynthesis, solar energy into molecular energy, which is carried out by microorganisms. However, this method of hydrogen production halts of some technical problems, for which studies are underway. Today, many types of potobioreaktori designed and conducted scientific search of perfection. The work is devoted to hydrogen using bacteria and algae, also discusses some of the principles of bioreaktoris.
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