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Formation of hydrodynamic jets from turbulent accretion disks in Herbig-Haro objects
Author: Erekle ArshilavaKeywords: Disk-Jet structure, Turbulent Viscosity, Generalized vorticity
The Investigation of the theoretical model of hydrodynamic accretion disks and jets is presented. Presented theoretical model is based on the self-similar Beltrami flow solution of the disk-jet system. The generalized theoretical model of the turbulent viscosity developed in the paper can be used in accretion disk and jet areas, as well as the disk-jet transition area. Results obtained in the present investigation are employed to analyze observed accretion disks and jets of the Herbig-Haro objects. The latest observations of such objects and their observables are compared to the predictions from the developed theoretical model. Results show an excellent agreement between the theory and observations.