
One-fluid MHD disk-jet model of the Young Stellar Objects with turbulent viscosity
Author: Mariam GogilashviliKeywords: disk-jet structure, One-fluid approximation, Generalized vorticity
Based on viscous MHD model [Shatashvili & Yoshida 2011] we have studied the self-similar steady state solutions for the Astrophysical disk-jet structure in one-fluid approximation. We have explored the analytical solutions both for the case when assuming the viscosity through quasi-Keplerian disk and for the more realistic case of turbulent viscosity. In latter model the turbulence effects is parametrized with the help of alpha model of anomalous viscosity in the disk region. We got solutions for Young Stellar Objects (YSO) jets and showed that the jet parameters at launching area coincide with the observational data. We constructed the illustrative distributions of main physical characteristic quantities. We could prove that the constructed generalized vorticity well-represents the single disk-jet structure. We have studied in detail the determining roles of magnetic field and turbulence effects in the jet collimation.