
Study of process of the Biofilm formation for Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria by Biophysical methods
Author: Luka MdzeluriCo-authors: Elene Lomadze-M.Sc., PhD Student
The bacteria are the organisms of single-celled primitive structures that have the ability to survive not only in the form of planktonic, but associated with the biofilm. The bacteria are the organisms of single-celled primitive structures that have the ability to survive not in the form of potato, but associated with the biofilm. The phenomenon of the bacteria is used to increase the resistance to adverse conditions. Biofilm associated bacteria cause the development of the disease to the complication of the disease and sometimes even mortality Pseudomonas aeruginosa's bacterial strain, as systemic purulent infections have been taken to study the process of bacterial biofilm formation. P. aeruginosa is a leading role in the etiology of nosocomial, urological and respiratory infections. For studying the formation of bacterial biofilms, Zym Croser's modified automatic rotation viscosimetre were used and also a turbidimeter that evaluates the fluid transparency level. The experiment was carried out with different concentrations of bacteria that should be noted with the fact, that this type of research has not been conducted in any of the world's laboratory centers and observation of the biofilm formation process is an unique method of biophysical method. This is proof of that important conclusions have been made on the basis of the established conclusions. The first and most important thing is to develop a completely new biophysical method (viscosimetric), through which we look in real-time the bacterial biofilm formation process, also found that between the initial concentration of bacteria and the formation of biofilm is a linear dependence. Based on the theoretical analysis of the results obtained from the experiment, two mechanisms are involved in the formation of biofilms. These conclusions are an important step in improving biopharmaceutical processes and provide us with the possibility to plan and conduct more in-depth observations and research on biofilm formation process.