
Evaluation effectiveness of magnetic nanoparticles in anti-cancer therapy
Author: Nino LeladzeAnnotation:
Intruduction: Magnetic Nanoparticles (MNPs) are well-known as drug delivery systems as well as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents. MNPs as drug carriers have attracted significant attention because of the possibility to syringe themselves to solid tumors and keep them in place by an external electromagnetic field which subsequently provides the opportunity to release the drug in a controlled way at the intended site. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer affecting men, and the second leading cause of cancer death following to skin carcinoma. The incidence and mortality rates of prostate cancer vary greatly among different geographic areas and ethnic groups. Several management options are available when prostate cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, including watchful waiting, surgery, cryosurgery, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy and immunotherapy. However all of them have their own adverse effects. Research Materials and Methods: We investigated the effects of MNPs-Fe3O4 (Nude and PEGilated) or Mito alone, and in combination (MNPs-Fe3O4+Mito) with prostate cancer human (PC-3 ) and mouse cells (RM-1) cells growth in vitro and in the mouse prostate cancer model in vivo. In vivo study was performed using white mice, which were injected with RM-1 cells subcutaneously and were treated with differante combinations of MITX and MNPs, while tumor size wase monitored. For in vitro study RM-1 and PC-3 cells were treated with differante combinations of MITX and MNPs and MTT cell viability test was performed to evaluate their cytotoxic effects. As it was expected the drug from nanoparticles exhibited better sustaining efficacy and produced less hepatotoxicity as compared to drug in solution form. We observed 5 effectiveness of the MNPs- Fe3O4–low dose Mitoxantrone combination therapy in treating prostate cancer with limited adverse effects. Results and Conclusion: The positive therapeutic effect of magnetic nanoparticles is confirmed in both mono and combined therapy (combined with chemotherapy preparations for the effectiveness of the latter) in the mouse prostate cancer model in vivo research The MNPs increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy preparation, which is especially evident in the combination of PEG-coated MNPs and MITX on the cells of the mouse tumor RM1 line.
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მაგნიტური ნანონაწილაკების ეფექტურობის შეფასება ანტისიმსივნურ თერაპიაში [ka]