
Detection of recombinant DNA quantity in hen’s genetically modified food and its degradation quality in Broiler’s gastrointestinal system
Author: Natia GureshidzeKeywords: genetically modified organism, horizontal gene transfer
A genetically Modified organism (GMO) is any organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. GMOs are used in biological and medical researches, production of pharmaceutical drugs and in agriculture. Nowadays, GMO is produced in many developed countries, such as: USA, Brazil, Canada, China, India and etc… GMO is widely used as human’s food and animal’s feed. The interest in degradation of food’s DNA has been increased several years. There is a lack of experimental studies about food’s DNA degradation in the gastrointestinal track. This is not obvious, how completely recombinant DNA is degraded after feeding animals with GM products. In Georgia, we are the first, who examined whether recombinant DNA is completely degraded in hen’s gastrointestinal tract or not, also whether horizontal gene transfer takes place from intestinal track into byproducts, such as : stomach, liver and muscle or not. Research was conducted during two years. We have chosen Broiler’s hens which we divided into two groups: the control ones and experimental ones. After than broiler’s hens reached the commercial size, we collected excreta and potential byproducts, such as stomach, liver and muscles from them. These byproducts are commonly used as popular food on supermarkets. Polymerase Chain Reaction was used to detect our samples. The analyses were conducted by Eurofin Roundup ReadyTM Soybean PCR kit. We have found no gene specific markers for the control group, but in the experimental group we found 5 stomach and 7 muscles with Roundup Ready Soybean gene specific markers.
Lecture files:
ფრინველის გენმოდიფიცირებულ საკვებში, რეკომბინანტული დნმ-ის რაოდენობის განსაზღვრა და მისი დეგრადაციის ხარისხის შესწავლა ბროილერის საჭმლის მომნელებელ სისტემაში [ka]