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Investigation of changes of some biochemical parameters of white rat liver tissue induced by the stressfull conditions

Author: Mariami Aphrasidze

In the master thesis of Mariam Aprasidze “Study the changes of some biochemical parameters induced by stress in white rat liver tissue” it is reviewed a functional state of antioxidant system of liver tissue mitochondria and cytoplasm subcellular fractions under the long-term psycho-emotional stress. The target enzymes were superoxide dismutase and catalase. In addition changes in activity of ASAT and ALAT were also studied, as well as degree of lipid peroxidation by means of amount of malondialdehyde. It was shown that Carsil, well-known by its hepatoprotective effect, has a positive impact on the functional state of liver under the long-term psycho-emotional stress and is protecting the tissue from induction of oxidation stress.

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