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Generation/amplification of magnetic field and flow in outer layers of compact stars by reverse dynamo mechanism

Author: Mariam Albekioni
Keywords: Compact star atmosphere, reverse dynamo mechanism, velocity and magnetic fields

In present thesis Generation/amplification of magnetic field and flow in outer layers of compact stars by reverse dynamo mechanism is studied. First we have reviewed the phenomenology of the solar atmosphere and outer layers of compact stars, and stressing their fine structure character. We chose the corresponding physical and mathematical model according to this character based on magneto-fluid coupling; first we derived the describing equations for the non-degenerate plasma system. Then we took into account the generalization by density and degeneracy effects observed in the outer layer of the compact stars, we discussed degenerate electron-ion plasma characteristic for White Dwarfs. Derived closure equations for reverse dynamo mechanismtaking into account the degeneracy pressure term. Finally we studied Generation/amplification of magnetic field and flow in outer layers of compact stars. We have compared our results with the realistic astrophysical systems and objects.

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