
Synthesis of N-β- (4-nitrophenol) -Manopuranoslomine and its derivatives
Author: nana chamaguaAnnotation:
A n n o t a t i o n Nana Chamagua Synthesis of N-β- (4-nitrophenol) -Manopuranoslomine and its derivatives Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Department of Chemistry I.Chavchavadze Ave. 3 Synthesis of carbohydrate derivatives and study of their biological activityis an importantpro-cess for disease prevention. Especially, carbohydrate scontaining nitrosogroup,because theyhavean effectof vasodilator; Theyplay an important role in theprocess of apoptosisandcell proliferation. Also, carbohydrate derivatives containing nitrosogroup participates in the functioningof the immune system and nervous system. The goal of present investigation consist in synthesis of N-glycosilamines Аs аn initial substance in the given work has been used the products of condensation of D-mannose and acetone – 2,3:5,6-di-0-izopropylidenmannofuranoze (1). The latter continction was synthesized by N-β- (4- nitrophenyl) –Mannofuranosilamine with nitroanyline. The reaction is on the following scheme: The structures of obtained compounds were established by physical-chemical methods of analysis. Key word: condensation, 2,3:5,6-di-O-izopropylidenmannofuranoze.