
,,დურუჯი-ავანისხევის /ყვარლის რაიონი/ შუამდინარეთის გეოლოგია და დურუჯის წყების ლითოლოგია
Author: Giorgi KikolashviliAnnotation:
annotation The master's thesis includes the results of field geological and cellular study of the lithology of duruji mines sandstone in Duruji-Bursa and the geological study of the medieval magnetic field. Because of specific, relatively small area of the forming stratigraphic-structural and magmatic-Metallogenic clarifying the problems do not allow, my thesis supervisor, with the advice and participation of field geological work planned in two stages: the first stage of the Alazani Kakheti territory forming complexes and of the any p Type up arrangements for regional routes fulfilled rivers Stori, Lopota and Shorokhevi basins; In the second phase, we will have a detailed geological route to the Duruji Bursa medieval and the river. The neighboring area of the Celtic origin. The first phase of field data and the geological activities ponduri and published geological data based on the work of the chapters devoted to the study of history Alazani kakhetisgeologiuri, geotechnical locations, tectonic structure and structural features, as well as regional stratigraphic-lithological structure Esakheb.duruji-Bursa Mesopotamia to the observations performed in the geological map of 1: 50000 scale, which displays recorded Story-lopota anticline axial line, Matsimi, kekhnamedanis, central and northwest deep fault and Duruji broad synclinal structure complicated sheskhletva-fault type of disjunctive structures. The detailed stratigraphic-lithographic characteristic of the Duruji-bursa medieval is given in the relevant chapter in which the turbulent sediments, uniformity and faunisation of the data are combined in the lower and middle subways, the hoof upper substrate is divided into two-north and south-phase zones. The work contains a structural-lithological cutting of the duruji waters sandstones. In the field of bursa, the description of the sedimentary scales of sedimentary rocks and the lithological characteristics of their varieties. It has been established that the Duruji system consists of 3 lithologically different stacks: lower-thick and massive medium and large polymeric polymeric shovels that are sometimes moved into the gravel. Microscale allele of the sandstone layers The middle-arilitis type pleiolites, in some clay shafts, the unit with sandstones layers. Upper-middle and feminine, fine and semi-arsenic arsenic and polymeric sandstones, with tints of tangled clay. The silicate analysis of rocks was performed in the laboratory of the department, defined by their insoluble balance, which is given in the analysis by the relevant analysis.
Lecture files:
დურუჯი-ავანისხევის /ყვარლის რაიონი/ შუამდინარეთის გეოლოგია და დურუჯის წყების ლითოლოგია [ka]