
Accelerometer sensors system developing in order to monitoring geodynamical procession the territory of Georgia
Author: tornike chikadzeAnnotation:
The research conducted for more than 20 years in the seismic centres all over the world confirm the causative relation between the earthquakes and strain field in lithosphere on one hand and between these geo-deformation processes and hydrological parameters on the other hand. There are many examples of anomalies of mentioned parameters before strong earthquakes. But for this time this relation is not correct, because impossible to measure real rocks stress before or after events directly in monitoring station. The main element of observation is a deep borehole, it can be considered a sensitive strain meter that reacts on all types of deformation: exogenous and endogenous. A value of exogenous parameters is fixed directly on the borehole or is calculating for location of monitoring station. For fixed stress caused by deformation filed or for stress caused by seismic wave after events, it is necessary to create special accelerometric complex and its installation directly nearby of the boreholes. Main purpose of this research project is creation of same complex, their installation on the observation boreholes and data transfer in real time for their complex analyze and seismic rick assessment.