
The Structure and Genesis of the Kachagiani Site of the Sakdrisi Deposit (Bolnisi Ore Field)
Author: Guga SadradzeAnnotation:
The research goals of the presented bachelor’s degree thesis: “The structure and genesis of Kachagiani mining site of the Sakdrisi deposit (Bolnisi ore field)” are the specification of structure, composition and textural features of hosting Kachagiani mining site (Sakdrisi deposit) volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks’ formations with following clarification of the deposit genesis issues. The bachelor’s thesis comprises 5 chapters and 2 subchapters, summary and list of references. In the thesis is discussed geological, tectonic and metallogenic setting of Kachagiani mining site of the Sakdrisi deposit along with the entire Bolnisi ore field. The structure of the Kachagiani mining site ore hosting rhyodacite Mashavera suite and volcanogenic sedimentary facies characteristics are presented on the basis of geological mapping. Within the gold-polimetallic epigenetic Kachagiani deposit hydrothermal in situ breccias have been distinguished as the principle ore hosting rock units. It has been detected, that brecciation events are tightly linked to hydrothermal mineralization and to precious metals precipitation in particular. The hydraulic model of hydrothermal breccia formation is discussed. Hydrothermal breccias are considered as an important exploration criteria in prospecting the Kachagiani deposit and Bolnisi district ore hostrocks. In the thesis is emphasized the misuse of the term „secondary quartzite” in geological scientific publications. The bachelor’s thesis author accepts using the specified term “hydrothermal silicate” for hydrothermally silicified rocks.
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