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Bounded variation functions and the convergence of Cesaro means of negative order of Vilenkin-Fourier series
Author: Gvantsa ShavardenidzeKeywords: Bounded Vilenkin group, Cesaro means, uniformly convergence
In the paper is proved sufficient condition, which is guarantee uniform convergence of Cesaro means of negative order of Vilenkin-Fourier series of continuous function.In this work we investigated different classes of Functions of generalized bounded oscilation and in the terms of these classes is established sufficient condition for uniform convergence of Cesaro means of negative order.
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სასრული ვარიაციის ფუნქციები და ფურიე-ვილენკინის მწკრივების ჩეზაროს უარყოფითი რიგით შეჯამებადობა [ka]