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Experimental study of the forbidden leptonic processes in muonic atoms
Author: Gogita PapalashviliKeywords: Standard Model, Forbidden Process, Lepton Flavour, Muonic Atom
In this thesis forbidden leptonic process of muon to electron neutrinoless conversion in muonic atom μN→eN was considered. In the Standard Model this process is forbidden, as it violates the conservation of lepton flavour for charged leptons. The experimental study of the m-e conversion with a record sensitivity is planned in the COMET (COherent Muon to Electron Transition) experiment at J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) in Japan. The experiment will be conducted in two phases. The COMET Phase-I will reach the single event sensitivity of B(μN → eN)=3x10^(-15), while the goal for Phase-II is B(μN → eN)=2.6x10^(-17). This thesis reviews Phase-I of COMET experiment which will start data taking in 2018.