
Arsenic in the natural objects of the area of ore-bearing, mining-enriching group of enterprises
Author: Teona IasaghashviliKeywords: arsenic, mercurydiethyldithiocarbamate, soil, copper, iron
The pollution of the natural objects (water, soil) creates a great threat for biodiversity and integrity of ecosystem, as well as for health of humans. Among a lot of hazardous wastes in environment, arsenic must be noted, its small concentration might cause the toxic effects. Industrial wastes of arsenic are observed basically in soil and waters. In the result of accumulation of toxic wastes in soil, the chemical content of soil gradually changes, integrity of geochemical essence and living organisms is disordered. The pollution of natural objects with arsenic is the important ecological threat and requires appropriate measures. The aim of our master’s thesis is determination of arsenic quantity in the natural objects of the zone of ore-bearing mining-enriching center, in particular in the waters, soils and silts of the riv. Mashavera as well as in some samples of milk, corn seeds and grass. Determination of iron and copper in soils and silts, sorption of arsenic on silts. Taking samples, labeling, storage and transportation was carried out in accordance with the stanradrd methods of the appropriate International Standard Organization (ISO). For determination of arsenic the photometric method was applied. The method is based upon flow of arsenic as arsine applying chloroform solution of mercury diethyl dithiocarbamate. Based upon the outcomes obtained in the result of the studies held and presented in the paper, we established that arsenic quantity in the waters of the riv. Mashavera does not exceed the limited permissible concentration. The limited permissible concentration for sewage waters is 0,05 mg/l. which is explained by incision of the waters of the riv. Mashavera and arsenic sorption on silts. According to the studies held, 42%, 68% and 90% arsenic was occluded on silts. The content of arsenic in soils and silts significantly exceeded the limited permissible norms. LPC of arsenic in soils is 10mg/kg. The pollution of soils with arsenic is a threat as the content of arsenic in food products, as well as in milk might be increased to the toxic doze which shall be further reflected on human health. The quantity of arsenic in milk, corn seeds and grass samples confirmed to the permissible norms. The limited permissible concentrations accordingly are 0,05 mg/l, 0,2 mg/kg, and 0,2 The quantity of copper in soils and silts siginificantly exceeded the permissible norms. The limited permissible concentration of copper in soils is 3,0 mg/kg.
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