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Four-valued multimodal epistemic Lukasiewicz logic with constants
Author: mariam maTeshviliKeywords: Lukasevichis logic, MV-algebra, Kripke's models
The theory of four-valued multi modal epistemic Łukasievicz logic with constants EŁ4c(n), which is an extension of the four-valued Łukasiewicz logic Ł4, the language of which is extended by nullary and unary connectives is developed in the work; at the same time it is developed algebraic theory corresponding to this logic. The unary connectives are interpreted as modal operators (knowledge operators). This logic is axiomatically defined and the completeness theorem with respect to the variety of corresponding algebras is given. Notice that this logic is applied in studying immune system.
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ოთხნიშნა მულტიმოდალური ეპისტემიკური ლუკასევიჩის ლოგიკა კონსტანტებით [ka]