
Study on the qualitative and assortment falsification of salmon containing food
Author: Gvantsa ShanshiashviliKeywords: Salmon, Falsification, Genetically modified organism, PCR
Food products on the market quantity and diversity of naturally fosters competition between entrepreneurs, their products and promoting the implementation of expensive. Unfortunately, a lot of products on the label of ingredients does not always match the contents of the product, which is an example of falsification and users' rights violation. Incidents of falsification have increased in the world as quality and assorted. Especially this is the product that contains expensive ingredients. In this regard, some of the family of Salmonidae contains expensive ingredients. The problem of falsification of these products was especially aggravate after the fact when In november 19 of 2015 year FDA (food and drug administration) permited the consumption of the GMO salmon by people in the USA which was produced by Aquabounty company. The GMO salmon is the first genetically modified product which was permited for people consumption Over the years, the discussion of transgender salmon was accessible, which was positively assessed in the US. Monitoring of animal product does not occur in Georgia. All of the above , the aim of the bachelor's work is to verify salmon containing food quality and assortment falsification and selecting appropriate effective method of selection. I have chosen the most merchantable representatives of the salmon containing food in georgian agricultural market and I have taken 8 patterns from different selling points. To detect GMO and falsification I have used the polymerase chain reaction method and Electrophoresis. None of these 8 samples have been identified as genetically modified signs, and falsification was identified in 1 product.