
Web-based information systems: Content Management System
Author: Elena MikaelianiAnnotation:
Abstract Initially internet was not a cheap instrument , so only the great budget organizations were able to use it. Later, in 1990s, it was possible to connect to the internet via telephone network. In order to secure the internet connection there was necessary use personal computer and a special device- modem, which was already not so expensive. Since then the real boom of the internet has started. The internet audience grew rapidly, which cause business interests. Meantime, some company considered that commercialization via the internet was unacceptable, since its main purpose was to exchange free information between scientific institutions, but time-to-time internet become acceptable for commercial using. The business had started actively involving using internet. They hired programmers and designers. Those who put the information on the internet at that time and created websites took some compensations. While web sharing is usually a daily routine for many people, the website is still a difficult task. Some people believe that this activity is linked to HTML codes and programming, but it is not fully correct. With the development of the internet, there was created new technologies, that make the program easier to create website, this is content management system (CMS). Content management system is a set of files that allows content, large amount of information, management on the Internet. There are many such systems. For example: Joomla, Drupal,, etc. Content management systems (CMSs) allow you to create a website. A large part of such systems is free. Any customer can download them from the Internet. Work with them does not require programming knowledge; only they need to study their management. To create a website through a content management system: 1. Customers should acquire Hosting (a place on the Internet, which places its content management system (CMS) or website) 2. Customers should acquire Domain (name, any webpage needs its name).