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Galactose separated from prostate tissue by assessing the effect of specific leptin effect on the human prostate tumor PC3 cells

Author: Giorgi Nebieridze

The scientific work comprises examination of a healthy and different diagnostic deseased tissue ( 1.BPH, Benign prostatic hyperplasia; 2.HGPIN, High-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia; 3. AAH, Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia; 4. PC, Adenocarcinoma.) from the mitochondria of the human gland and a galactose-specific lectin effect from cytoplasm on the human prostate of PC3-tumor cells cellular life. The study revealed a sharp decline in PC3-cell survival with all tested diagnosis of tissue under influence of cytoplasmic lectin. Testing of Various carbohydrate-specific plant derived lectin influence on cell survival revealed that the PC-3 line cell membrane surface was demonstrated by β-galactose / N-acetyl-galactosamine / lactose, as well as manoza / N-acetylglucosamine-containing glycocneugates.

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