
Determination of Gold Quantity in Natural Objects
Author: Lia SardalashviliKeywords: Gold, Micro quantity, Rhodamine C, 4-sulfophenylazorhodanine .
Complexity of composition of the natural and industrial objects, methods of their exact and rapid analysis faces the chemists and analysts to the necessity of new, sensitive, selective, rapid and reliable methods, which should meet requirements of modern science and manufacturing control. Gold of my thesis is determination of gold micro quantity using recent methods, because gold is one of the elements, determination of micro quantity of which requires searching of special methods of determination in objects subject to analysis. New extraction-photometric and photometric methods are mastered, which are developed in analytic and physical chemistry direction. Rhodamine C and 4-sulfophenylazorhodanine were used as reagents. We use these methods in determination of gold-bearing ores. Correctness and repetitiveness of analysis results are checked by taken-accepted method in modeled solutions and in gold determination in standard samples. Results of gold determination in natural objects are compared by atomic-absorption and neutron-activation method with results received. The results are satisfactory.
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მიკრორაოდენობა ოქროს განსაზღვრა ბუნებრივ ობიექტებში [ka]