
The Study of Quantitative and Qualitative Alterations of Fatty Acids in Prostate Tumor Tissue
Author: nino mikaiaKeywords: prostate tumors, lipids, fatty acids.
Nowadays metabolic reprogramming is considered as one of the markers of cancer. Tumors are characterized with uncontrolled cell proliferation. Tumors need to produce energy and biomass to grow and metastasize. It is known, that lipids contain a high spectrum of molecules with unique structure, which is conditioned by high variation of chain length, double bond quantity and localization of fatty acids. The function of such diversity of lipid structures is still not fully known. However, lipids have various biochemical roles in tumor development. Other than structural roles, lipids participate in signaling pathways and they can be degraded to bioactive lipid mediators, which regulate many carcinogenic processes including cell growth, migration and formation of metastases. According to all of the above mentioned, the goal of the given work was the study of lipid spectrum of tissue of men with benign prostate tumors and prostate adenocarcinoma. The research revealed important changes in arachidonic and oleic acid levels in tissue of men with prostate adenocarcinoma compared to benign tumor tissue. The research also found the emergence of lignoceric acid in fatty acid spectrum of benign tumor tissue, which is not present in fatty acid spectrum of tissue of men with prostate adenocarcinoma.
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